Saturday, June 7, 2014

About Me

Elio Car in OKC
Elio in OKC

I came close to putting in the $100 minimum for a place in line a couple of years ago.  I thought, "This is going to be big!"  I did buy the domain name ""  I thought when I get the car I'll travel and make a website/blog about the car and my travels, or I'll sell the domain name for millions.  (I'm kidding about the millions.)

I'm still following the car's development like many others, but my interest has diminished somewhat.  This car/motorcycle is going to be great for many people, but I'm not so sure it's for me after giving it a lot of thought. 

I don't have any special information to post here and I don't think I should simply repost or reword  the emails I get from Elio Motors or information on their Facebook pg.  If I feel I have something interesting to say about the car I will post it from time to time.  

Thanks for your interest, Buck